There are many other mods that affect the game world's plant life - Glorious Grasses, SkyRealism and Vurt's Flora Overhaul are all great, but if you can only run two we recommend LT and GF, as they look best during actual gameplay. Grass Field: Replaces most of the ground area textures with 3D grass.Lush Trees and Grass: Updates and greatly improves the quality and fullness of forested areas in Skyrim.Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM): Updates static textures and meshes (furniture, rubble, buildings, etc).Skyrim HD: Replaces standard game textures with 2K-4K textures.There are hundreds of texture mods and updates for flora, fauna, armor, weapons and more that players can choose to include in their game, but here are our recommendations for must-have mods when trying to make Skyrim look beautiful: What a Wonderful World Once you've installed your ENB and preset of choice, then the real work begins. We're using Enhanced Lights and FX by NM user anamorfus alongside Ultimate HD Fire Effects. YES NOOnce you've gotten your ENB set up and have begun installing your other modifications, consider also adding a lighting mod or two (if they're compatible) that will enhance the local light sources in-game - torches, lanters, candles and so on. The one we've used is by Nexus member Opethfeldt, though other excellent choices would be RealVision or Seasons of Skyrim. You can also download a preset created by a member of the community. Let There be Light Installing Boris Voronstov's ENBseries modification and configuring it is actually far simpler than one would expect - simply download the necessary files and copy them into your main Skyrim game folder ( if you're using Steam, this is usually C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Skyrim ), and then run the game and configure your own personal settings. You can read about all the mods below, or watch the video above (complete with plenty of heavily-modded Skyrim eye-candy). Rather than force you, dear modder, to spend those precious hours that could be better used actually playing Skyrim, here is our list of the 15 (and then some) best mods to use that will drastically improve your adventurous experience. Since each mod needs to be properly installed and configured, it can take hours to get everything in working order - certain methods of beautifying the game, such as S.T.E.P., or the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project, have been known to take as long as eight to ten hours to fully configure. Overhauling a game with mods can be an intimidating process, but the only thing you really need in order to make Skyrim shine is patience.